I wish that I was in a game that I could just push the reset button to start again.
But, whenever I wake up and start my day, the gift from the accident is still here with me, attached.
Its like a mark, a sign, a scar. Something that I have to live my life by. To know and remember the unfateful day.
I always tried to be hardcore, strong and aloof... but, inside, I was scared, fragile and helpless.
The irony of the incident. Some will laugh at me, some will sympathize me, some will just be apathy.
It was two weeks ago. I have gone to Tioman Island, to relax myself. to run from the hectic of life.
I really love country side, it calms me. I felt free when I was there. I was really inspired and motivated to continue my carrier as a writer... There were many picturesque view. I could only spent there for only about 3 days before the unfortunate accident happened. I always thought to myself that I could have done something to change the event from happening. You know, the possibilities...

Hasnol was riding quite steadily and followed them from behind. We had gone through houses and more houses before arriving to the place, seems to be the destination that the motorcyclists in front were headed. We arrived at Taman Laut after a few minutes riding through Kampung Tekek, and including the place I was staying. Actually, when we were passing through the house that I was staying, I actually thought to myself, I should just go back home since it is nearing Maghrib already. However, I cancelled out the idea nearly as immediately as Hasnol turned into the road towards Taman Laut. We arrived just a few seconds after they had arrived and we stopped beside their bike. There were quite a few of bikers there, which I do not know most of them except Alif. I tried to fit in as usual and felt quite comfortable with the situation. Even though, I do not know their name but I felt quite accepted even as an outsider in that place.

The doctors and nurses, which I was not sure which one was the nurse or the doctor, had a look at the wound on my right leg and did a little cleaning to make sure that there would be no infection or bleeding.
I was not scared nor angry, but I was rather calm and very talkative. I took ton of pictures of people who came and visited me. I took pictures of the doctors or nurses, which ever, and even the guys who I had accident with. I took the picture of the wound. Everyone who came, told me to rest but, I could not. My mouth was too energetic to stay quiet while I was too bored. Everyone around me expected me to be weak, in-pain and sad, but I seriously were unable to be so. I felt very lively and the commotion outside of the Clinic made me more alive. I had to wait for many hours from 7.15pm, the time of accident, until 10.30pm for the Marine ship to arrive to Tioman Island so they could take me to Kuantan Ampuan Afzan Hospital. At first, I was freaking out as I had to take a ship to the mainland, due to the fact that I have motion sickness and the tide is not that favourable towards me at this time of session. I was given a shot to make me stable and non-nauseated along the way. As usual, I was able to take many pictures on the way there.
It was boring. I could not do anything, I could not even sit. I had been strapped to the stretcher. The boat ride was very long. The only funny incident was that the nurse whom taking care of me had motion sickness and vomited. It took 2 hours to reach Tanjung Gemuk, and there was an ambulance waiting for me to take me to HTAA. With that, I had another 2 hours ride. I reached HTAA around 2am and I was brought to the Emergency department. When I was admitted into the HTAA, I could hear that they were having another case of Emergency, two shot victims. I could only hear and look on what they were doing. I observed them, until I was bored, I took my sleep. I remembered that I was taken to the ward and placed there that night.

I could have said that this is all just a fateful plan made my God. A big plan for me that I would not know of. Regardless of anything, I should just move forward and hope that everything will be smooth and slick. Many things came into my mind. I was scared that my bones would not heal up. I was scared to go back into the Operating Theatre. I was scared that one day while I was walking using crutches something unfortunate happened and I slipped and fell, right leg first. I was scared that they would put metal, rods and screws and bolts into my leg. I was scared of many things. I felt hopeless then, and now, with all my willpower and determination, I could only say, 'There is only one way to go, which is forward'.
And this is how I will be until the determined date which is 02/02/2012.