Thursday, August 26, 2010

Life as a university student

I havent update my blog for quite a long time already. .. ... if you guys notice la.. hahaha... Anyway, I have a lotsssss of things to update on actually... but SOME are TOOO private to be published... until the thing resolved, I will not publish it... hahaha... Anyway, the main thing that i want to publish now is that, My theatre performance "Beta Gundah Gulana" will be confirm to be presented next year probably... Hoping it does, as my progress is quite slow... The thong about this theatre is that, I require to unlock my verbal expression skill. .. ... Not the typical acting skill which I am good at... hahaha... and verbal expression is what Im suck at... [I PREFER TO WRITE] ... =P

Anyway, one person did say to me this... "Good Luck in Acting"... and "You are going to do great in it".... FYI, this is more or less what the individual said to me okay, not the exact thing... and Im trying to believe in it, because, I havent believe in people for quite a long time already. Oh yeah, dont say I believe you okay reader... I always have my doubt in people but not this person. Well, hoping to do my best... as always... ^_^ okay, not like always I did my best... but you know what I mean... .HAHAHAHA

Im also trying to at least finish one of my books now... I will continually write it so I will be satisfied in my whole life and be able to prove to myself that I am not a halfway doer as what I believe myself now. Just pray to God Almighty to give me strength to finish this unnerving job...hahaha... but, I have no problem to finish a good or heck, excellent poem, and I had a few already for this semester... but its kinda about love now..haha... I, I will change my style again, and write about something else, but until I get the inspiration on something, my focus will be about love still... hihihihi...

Lets move on to another subject, ... hurm. what to talk about... DATES.... I found out that DATES are very good to people who want to lose weight or be frugal... HAHAH.. since it is cheap and will not make you obese so easily, I found that, DATES are my mean out of this routine life. I want to save my money... MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY, MONEY!!! haha, Iklan sebentar bersama The Apprentice... =P

Oh yeah, last but not least, I have deleted all my games in my laptop... :'(
how sad is that, but I need to get myself to see the real thing. the reality of life. If I want to proceed for a better living. I need to detach myself from game at least until I finished my semester. Then, I can relax... well, even if I am stressed. I found that games are not the best way to chill oneself. hahaha

So, is that all that I want to update for now. Hurm. I guess.... not... for now.