Friday, December 31, 2010

Memorial of my late father

You have left us in 2005,
Now its 5 years have by passed,
To sow everything that you have grown,
To respect everything that you have done,
To see everything that you have left behind,

Leaving your maiden alone,
Forgot her not as she has not,
Loyalty and Dignity still intact,
Nothing will dwindle her journey,

You have done and did everything you could,
Left yourselves a legacy of nine-hood,
The independent Azura,
The persevered Azuan,
The adventurous Azuardi,
The insightful Azlan,
The determined Azila,
The visionary Azizul,
The congenial Azyyati,
The diligent Aznita,
The passionate Azri,

We will always remember you,
now, yesterday, and tomorrow too,
Pray is all that we could do,
Nothing more, nothing less, and nothing new,
Besides that we love you.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Blogging as blogger

I have stated in the first few posts that I am not a blogger, or at least I was not a blogger.

Anyway, I notice that A TRUE BLOGGER has one thing in common, avid blogging and stalking. Thus, I know that I am not a true blogger and I am not that much care for the title anyway. Heck, lolx, I thought when I opened up this blog, I will be one, but unfortunately, my enthusiasm decreases every day as I do not know what to blog about.

Anyway, I am not an avid blogger. I do not go blog just for the sake of self-express. Sometimes, I have to really really think, [mind you, this does not mean that i do not think a lot, which I DO], what topic should I put, that is appropriate for readers and my fellow viewers plus friends. I just hate to just put some random stuff, [ well sometimes I did post, =PP ], and got away with it... I love to put something interesting and at least will attract you. Okay, okay, I do sometimes put rubbish, but well, as you know, and I KNOW, you also put a little some of those in your blog, RIGHT???

Im not such an avid stalker. hahaha, well I do stalk people but not blog stalking but rather facebook stalking.. =PPP
Anyway, coming back to the point, I want to say that, a true blogger will venture into people blog as a daily routine on their life to read what other people have post or wait eagerly for a new post and even comment on them if they rarely post anything. Thus, I am not from this group of people, right... ^_^

Oh yeah, nahh.. I dont want to rambling about something else right now... I think I have made my point in this post. well, hope you guys will be looking forward for my new post and I even considered of opening another blog post for myself, for another purpose. ahaha, until then. have a great day. ^_^