Tuesday, June 1, 2010

My friends, we exchange words and we parted.

(old notes from facebook)

loved to see that all of his friends already moved on.

Looking at the past as some nostalgic memories that they might want to relive in, looking at the present as a gift of life and seeing the future as a challenge to continue living in this world as we meet, talk, and apart with each others.

Each second we will miss them, each minute we will wish that we can spend our time talking to them and be at their side.

Those memories of pain and suffering, of joy and excitement will be forever dwell in the mind and never be forgotten.

How I wish to put all our memories into pictures that I could hang on the walls and put into my photo albums.

To cherish it even more, and let it be seen by everyone that might look at it. Let them know that I am proud of knowing you. Whoever you are, Wherever you come from, Whatever your interests, Whichever your status would be, Whenever you came to my life, Why ever you stay beside me or against me, and How ever we be in touch with each other.

God bless you all my friends, no matter how far are you from me, how long have we been friend and know each others, how much you love or hate me, how stable and solid our friendship may seems to be, how did we know each other, how little we talk or spoke, how many memories we have created together,whether we have met or not, and how close or tight we are in this friendship.

May we be in contact with each other forever and ever.

May we meet again, my fellow friends.
And if we havent met yet, may someday we do meet and create memories.



Well, if you read from my note in facebook, there would be pictures of some of you guys if I ever took any...

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